The A — Z of How Your HVAC System Affects Air Quality | DFW Cooling

3 min readFeb 1, 2021


The HVAC system has a lot of effect on the air quality, let it be at home/ office/company/commercial place anywhere. The HVAC system does more than regulating the temperature, so it is very important that you know all about the HVAC system.

Because of the pandemic, most of the people are staying at home and even working from home, a majority of the time is spent indoors, so this arises the need to keep a check on indoor air quality. During winters and during the summers most of the time you keep the doors and windows closed and this has a lot of effect on the air quality.

When you keep the doors and windows closed for a long time all the dirt, bacteria, pollutants, etc., do not have a way out and it affects the air quality. Since it is winter now, our focus will be on the heating system and how it affects the air quality, and later on, we will take a look at the ways you can adapt to combat the same.

How your heating system affects air quality

  • It keeps all the impurities/contaminants inside: Before you start operating the Heating system naturally you keep all the doors and windows closed so as to make sure that outside air does not come in. This keeps all the impurities/contaminants inside the place and does not give them a chance to escape. During the winters there is also a rise in the Volatile Organic Compounds better known as VOC’S these are chemical compounds that easily vaporize. These may come from many sources and get converted into gas that you cannot breathe it stays there in the air and it is very precarious and may pose a serious threat to health.
  • The Quality of air becomes very dry: The air that is there inside the room will be very dry during the winters because it has less humidity, the heating system makes the already dry air even drier. This leads to many health problems such as eye irritation, redness of eyes, asthma/bronchitis/respiratory ailments, dry skin, nose bleeds, higher stress levels, dehydration, and apart from all this dry air increases the risk of infections much more. As the air gets trapped inside and keeps on circulating it poses more threat to your health, if you have pets at home the risk is more, so, it is very much necessary that you take care of the HVAC system, get it checked, take a note of its condition and make changes accordingly so that your health does not get affected because of poor air quality.

Steps you can take to improve air quality

  • Using Humidifiers best solution for dry air: Depending on your need, that is in how many rooms or in how much space you want to install these humidifiers you can make a choice that best fits the budget while not compromising on the quality of the product. If you want to install humidifiers in the entire space or only a particular area/room you may call DFW Solutions, and we will be happy to assist you in coming up with the best solution. Humidifiers can be attached to either heating or cooling systems and you can be rest assured to get enough moisture content in the air.
  • Clean and replace filters at regular intervals: When was the last time you got the filters cleaned/changed? Cleaning the filters at regular intervals is very important if you want to breathe good quality air, the first and foremost thing to maintain the HVAC system properly is to make sure that filters are clean and if any replacement is needed. If you have allergies it is very important that you have high-quality filters installed.
  • Air Purifiers: Last but not least if you want to make sure to breathe 100% pure air then it is always best to install an air purifier. Depending on the requirement you can opt for a purifier that is confined to a particular area/room/you can opt for whole space purifiers. These air purifiers are attached to the heating and cooling system just like humidifiers. They work automatically and their main function is to trap and neutralize the particles.

